Reinforcement, healthy eating and after school lesson as predictor of kindergarten pupils' academic performance in Oredo Local Government Area, Edo State


  • Imasuen Institute of Education, University of Benin


Reinforcement, Healthy eating, After-school lesson, Academic performance, Kindergarten


The study examined healthy eating, reinforcement and after-school lessons as predictors of kindergarten pupils’ academic performance in Oredo Local Government Area, Edo State. To guide this study, four (4) research questions were raised. The study was a descriptive survey that adopted the correlational design, and the population of the study consisted of all preschool teachers and parents of kindergarten pupils from public and private schools in Oredo Local Government Area. A sample size of 300 respondents (100 teachers and 200 parents) was used for the study. The Cochran modified formula for finite population was utilized and gave a value of 235, which is the least sample size that could be used. However, the researchers decided to increase it to 300. These participants were selected conveniently from the 20 preschools used for the study. The instrument for the study was a questionnaire titled “Reinforcement, Healthy Eating and After-School Lesson”. It was validated by three experts in Measurement and Evaluation and gave a reliability index of 0.88. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for research questions one to three while research question four was analyzed using regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings that emerged showed that the use of reinforcement by the teacher, healthy eating, and after-school lessons had an impact on the academic performance of kindergarten pupils to a high degree. It was observed that though reinforcement, healthy eating and after-school lessons were good predictors of kindergarten pupils' academic performance. Only teachers’ use of reinforcement and healthy eating that contributed significantly to pupils’ academic performance. It was recommended that teachers should be properly informed and guided on the use of reinforcement, and kindergarten pupils should be encouraged to eat healthily so as to improve their academic performance.




How to Cite

Imasuen, K. (2023). Reinforcement, healthy eating and after school lesson as predictor of kindergarten pupils’ academic performance in Oredo Local Government Area, Edo State. Rivers State University Journal of Education, 26(2), 64–76. Retrieved from


